Interactive Installation at Khetri Museum, Rajasthan

About this project
Khetri Museum is a biographical museum on life of Swami Vivekanada, located in Khetri, Rajasthan at the Ram Krishna Mission trust premise. This project was about designing, developing & installing an interactive experience (for permanent purpose) conveying story of Swamiji’s second journey to the west around 1890 to 1902.

After study of archival images and writing provided by musseum we learnt that the narrative revlves around the theme of journey, looking through window and reflecting on memories. Hence “journey” and looking through “window” were was chosen as a metaphor for basis of experience design.

The final installation experience allowed museum visitors to ‘physically move’ a ‘window’ in form of a touch screen across a specially designed abstract vintage world map, to explore stories of Swami Vivekananda’s second journey to the west.

Glimpse of Ajit Vivek Museum at Khetri Rajasthan,  Installation was set up on the first floor

Preview of Installation Setup

Video of Working Installation

Project Credits : 

Project Execution Team
Bhargav Padhiyar, Ashish Dubey

Prototyping Support
Pranoy Guduru, Rajan Sitapara, Devang Kantharia

Special Thanks
Naim Sheikh, Mayank Loonkar

Client Organisations
Intergrated Design Services at National Insitute of Design, India (NID) for their project with Ram Krishna Mission Trust

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