Interactive Experiences at Khoj Children Museum, Ahmedabad

About :
Restoration of an old building as a children’s science museum in Ahmedabad by Manthan Educational Program Society India. It has three exhibitions in three galleries located on each floor. The first floor was about ‘History of Animation’.

Our team collaborated in the conceptualization of this gallery, design and execution of three interactive installations as part of the same gallery. These three installations were about game like interface for Stop Motion animation kiosk, VFX demonstration  kiosk and virtual reality.

The idea was to create a hands-on learning + experimental space where children can learn, make and showcase! This gallery was active for the year of 2019 and had regular visitors from schools and many parts of Ahmedabad city.

Details :
The Three Interactive Experiences at Khoj Children Museum :

1. The Stop Motion Workstation :

This was one spot for children to learn about what is stop motion animation and give it a shot! Installation had two components, one was a photobooth another another a studio unit. The studio unit with a game-like interface provided functions to create and save small animation films.

2. The VFX Workstation :

A green screen setup along with a live editing unit provided children with a game-like interface to learn about VFX animation. This was to be played in groups by the children. Some of them could act in front of greenscreen and others could edit live videos on the workstation interface. The workstation also allowed the children to also save their explorations.

3. Virtual Reality Workstation

The idea was to introduce children to Virtual Reality and show how this medium enhances storytelling. To achieve this, a simple storytelling experience was designed and developed where children could compose one part of the city and see how it looks in a virtual world. Based on their choices a new city could be visualized as a 3d scene in virtual reality.

Glimpse of the installation in use :  

Project Credits :

Concept and Interaction Design
Bhargav Padhiyar

Project Execution Team
Devang Kantharia, Pranoy Guduru, Ekta Bharti

Client Organisation
Manthan Educational Program Society

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